鎂利格膠磁 具有二十年的橡膠磁鐵成功製造經驗,並以此成為軟性磁鐵材料的領導廠商。豐富的經驗使我們有能力提供高品質產品及合理的售價。鎂利格膠磁致力於磁鐵專業製造並且擁有創新獨特而優於一般橡膠磁鐵的新產品,包括:貼合噴墨,自粘,銅版紙等面材的彩磁,無貼合任何面材的素磁,可被磁鐵吸著的軟質鐵布等等。鎂利格膠磁的產品行銷世界五大洲,我們重視與我們的顧客的長期關係。我們對新應用和產品提供前瞻性,靈活性及客製化服務以滿足客戶的需求。我們以創新的產品以及優越的服務和不斷改善的品質來服務我們尊貴的顧客。
JASDI Magnet is a leading source of flexible magnet materials with a successful 20 years manufacturing history. Our experience allows JASDI to offer high quality products at reasonable costs. Jasdi's dedication to magnetic manufacturing has led to innovative and unique new products beyond magnetically backed vinyl that include inkjet, self-adhesive and plain paper covered magnetic sheeting, uncovered magnetic sheeting and non-magnetic FlexMetal sheeting. Jasdi products are sold worldwide across 5 continents. We value long-term relationships with our customers. We offer flexibility, customization and insight into new applications and products to satisfy customers' needs. Our innovative team strives to serve our valuable customers with constantly improved products and superior service.
JASDI Magnet is a leading source of flexible magnet materials with a successful 20 years manufacturing history. Our experience allows JASDI to offer high quality products at reasonable costs. Jasdi's dedication to magnetic manufacturing has led to innovative and unique new products beyond magnetically backed vinyl that include inkjet, self-adhesive and plain paper covered magnetic sheeting, uncovered magnetic sheeting and non-magnetic FlexMetal sheeting. Jasdi products are sold worldwide across 5 continents. We value long-term relationships with our customers. We offer flexibility, customization and insight into new applications and products to satisfy customers' needs. Our innovative team strives to serve our valuable customers with constantly improved products and superior service.

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